Zilele acestea le-am avut in studio, in premiera, pe reprezentantele Flirt4Free. Acestea au fost 3 zile alaturi de noi, timp in care au realizat un transfer de informatii si experienta intre site, management si modele. A fost o onoare sa fie printre noi si sa realizeze trainingul cu modelele si trainerii nostri, dar si sa ne ofere feedback-uri valoroase legate de imbunatatirea lucrului pe site-ul F4F.
In aceste zile, colegii nostri au avut ocazia sa invete secretele din ,,spatele cortineiâ€, care sa ii ajute sa-si perfectioneze maniera in care abordeaza acest site. Totodata, Petra si Lucy ne-au marturisit faptul ca viziteaza cu drag de fiecare data Romania, apreciand maniera in care lucram ca echipa si legatura stransa dintre modele si stuff. In cinstea lor, dar si cu ocazia redeschiderii clubului privat Paradiz, am organizat o petrecere VIP, astfel incat cele doua invitate au avut ocazia sa vada nu doar cum muncim, dar si cum ne distram aici, in marea familie Paradiz.
La fel ca in fiecare luna, am premiat modelele pentru corectitudine si le-am oferit cadouri sarbatoritelor. Si pentru ca le-am avut in studioul nostru in aceste zile, le-am rugat sa ne ofere un feedback despre studioul nostru, jobul de model de videochat si cateva perspective ale acestui business.
1.Care a fost motivul pentru care ati decis sa ne vizitati studioul?
Venind in vizita la Paradiz, noi am observat ca modelele au un potential mare de dezvoltare pe platforma site-ului datorita faptului ca sunt atat de prietenoase, atragatoare si dornice de a invata lucruri noi. De asemenea, studioul Paradiz nu a mai participat pana acum la trainingurile noastre si am simtit ca putem imbunatati relatia. Flirt4Free este un site foarte complex si un model poate avea success doar daca are cunostintele necesare. A lucra pe Flirt4Free seamana mai degraba cu dezvoltarea unui business, decat cu a fi un simplu angajat.
2.Care este cel mai important lucru pe care fetele trebuie sa il invete in meseria de model de videochat?
Principalul aspect al meseriei este perceptia asupra jobului si asupra sinelui. Cea mai mare greseala pe care o fac modelele este sa creada ca daca lucrezi in videochat si stai dezbracata in fata camerei vei deveni foarte bogata. Aceasta metoda functiona acum 20 de ani, la inceputul videochatului, cand pe internet nu erau disponibile filmele pentru adulti. Asadar, daca un model isi doreste o cariera de success in acest domeniu, e timpul ca acestea sa puna acentul mai mult pe comunicare decat pe felul in care arata. A fi model de videochat inseamna mai mult decat sa fii o fata cu operatii estetice, cu extensii de par sau gene false.
A fi model pe Flirt4free inseamna sa fii responsabila de crearea unui livechat cu personalitate. Un model bun va trebui sa invete sa se foloseasca de aplicatiile disponibile, sa se focuseze pe indeplinirea unui plan bine stabilit si sa invete sa atraga membri prin mai mult decat un show erotic. Ea ar trebui sa fie prietena membrului, iubita sau chiar si sotia din mediul virtual, pe care acesta se poate baza. A fi o adevarata profesionista in industrie inseamna sa iubesti ceea ce faci, sa inveti sa atragi membrii cu lucruri care sunt placute nu numai pentru ei, cat si pentru tine. Fetele ar trebui sa se concentreze mai mult in explorarea si promovarea propriei personalitati. Membrii site-ului prefera experienta “girls-next-doorâ€, pentru ca face relatia sa fie mult mai realista. Astfel, ei devin clienti fideli modelelor pe care le iubesc.
3.Ce relatie exista intre Flirt4Free si modelele din Romania?
Noi credem ca modelele din Romania sunt foarte frumoase, educate si au cunostinte solide de limba engleza. Din pacate, multe dintre romance considera ca nivelul lor de limba engleza nu este unul foarte bun si de aceea prefera sa tasteze atunci cand vorbesc cu membrii, in defavoarea microfonului. Aceasta este una dintre marile greseli pe care le fac modelele. Ele pierd multi clienti care vin pe aceste site-uri tocmai pentru aceasta experienta. Nu este greu sa spunem ca femeile din Romania sunt cele mai frumoase din lume si credem ca ar trebui sa profite la maxim de acest lucru.
Deci, fetelor, tineti capul sus, zambiti larg si vorbiti cu curaj! Nu trebuie sa va fie frica de accentul vostru, pentru ca membrii il consider il considera cool, exotic si sexy.
4.Dupa 3 zile in studioul nostru, care credeti ca este avantajul unic pe care il ofera Paradiz modelelor sale?
Este clar vorba despre atmosfera creata de management, traineri si departamentul de marketing. Acest studio este o mare familie, toata lumea iti ofera ajutorul si niciodata nu te simti singura. Cel mai mult am admirat faptul ca lucrati atat de profesional intr-un ambient relaxant si distractiv. Imi imaginez ca modelele vin la studio ca si cum ar veni acasa, nu la serviciu, ceea ce e un mare avantaj, pe care nu orice studio din Romania il poate oferi.
5.Ofera un sfat modelelor care doresc sa lucreze ca modele, dar nu au curajul sa inceapa!
Totul depinde de motivul pe care il au fetele legate de startul in acest job. Multi oameni vad videochatul ca pe un subiect tabu. Daca analizezi statisticile unui studiu serios, unul din 8 barbati din S.U.A. este dependent de videochat. Asta inseamna ca un membru nu va intra pe site o data sau de doua ori pe luna, ci prezenta sa online face parte din viata sa de zi cu zi. De asemenea, trebuie sa mentionam diferenta dintre pornografie si erotism. Filmele porno au fost la randul lor un tabu, dar nu mai este cazul astazi. Cu totii vizionam aceste filme cu placere si stim ca si ceilalti fac la fel. Cu toate acestea, nu multa lume recunoaste ca are o viata secret pe siteu-rile de livechat. Nu multi oameni ar recunoaste in fata prietenilor ca au un iubit/iubita pe internet, deoarece se simt jenati de faptul ca acestia platesc pentru a avea prieteni in mediul online si ca nu isi gasesc in viata reala.
Asadar, avantajul in a fi model de videochat este faptul ca modele sunt online pe partea buna a computerului: acolo unde ele sunt platite.
A fi model inseamna sa oferi servicii de prietenie si intelegere unor oameni care nu au parte de astfel de lucruri in viata reala. Uneori sunteti psihologi, terapisti, prieteni online, iubite virtuale, adica oameni in care au incredere. Pe scurt, avand un job in industrie nu faci altceva decat sa aduci fericire, ceea ce este un lucru de care poti fi mandra.
English version of the interview
1. Why did you come to our studio to train our girls and admins?
When we visited the models of Paradiz studio on livechat, we have noticed a big potential in their growth since they all seemed to be friendly, attractive and also willing to learn. Also, the studio has never had any training with Flirt4Free and we knew there was space for improvement. Flirt4Free is a very complex site and it is not very easy to succeed unless the model has the right know-how. Working on Flirt is more like a business building than an employment and needs lots of planning and maintena
2.What is the most important thing that girls should learn related to their work as a model?
First of all, it is all about the model’s perception of her job and herself. What I see as the biggest issue is that models “heard somewhere†that if they will become cam models and will be naked on the camera, they will become super rich. It maybe worked like this 20 years ago when the videochat industry started and there was no porn available on the internet. Nowadays, it is important to realize that the time has changed. There are hundreds of thousands of free videos available online for everyone and each of us can choose exactly the content we are looking for. Therefore, if the model wants to make a serious career in videochat, now it is time to really start chatting than just being naked and beautiful. The job of a videochat model is now diverting from being only a job for the girls with fake lips, fake boobs, hair extentions, fake eye lashes to a real business where the model needs to take more action and responsibility for creating her livechat personality. She should learn how to use all the marketing tools available, she should focus on planning and also learn how to provide customers with more than erotic shows. She should be his friend, girlfriend or even a wife online who will be living with him his real life. Being a real professional in this industry also means to like the job, to learn how to approach the customers the way which is enjoyable not only for the customer, but also for a model. The girls should focus more on exploring their own personality and promoting their “cool me.†Customers nowadays enjoy the “girl next-door†experience which makes the contact with the girl more realistic. Then they become regular customers and stay faithful to those models who they decide to love.
3. What kind of relationship has F4F with Romanian models?
We see Romanian models as very attractive, well educated with a great knowledge of English. Unfortunately, lot of Romanian models think that their English is not on a good level and that is why they decide to rather only type to customers than to speak to them using audio.
We think it is quite a big shame because they are losing lot of customers who come exactly for this lively experience of speaking with the models. I am not afraid to say that Romanian women are the most beautiful women in the world and this is why they should use this benefit as much as possible. So, heads up, wide smile and do not worry about your accent. It is very cool and the members love it because for them any non-native speaker is exotic and sexy.
4. What is, after three days in our studio, the unique advantage that you think Paradiz gives to theirs models?
It is definitely the atmosphere created by the management, trainers and social media department. The studio is one big family, everyone is helping each other, supporting each other and you never feel that you are alone. We really admired how the studio can work so professionally while having such a great fun and relaxed atmosphere. I can imagine that the models do not feel like coming to work but coming home which is a great benefit which not every studio in Romania can offer.
5. Give an advice to the girls which want to work as a model but are afraid to start!
It all depends on why the girls are afraid to start working. Lot of people see videochat as a great taboo. If you look at recent research and statistics provided by quite a decent studies you will find out that for instance every 8th man in the USA is addicted to video chatting. That means that he does not come only once or twice per month but it is his everyday live. What is also important to mention is the difference between porn and erotics. While porn was a great taboo several years ago, nowadays it is not anymore. We all watch porn, we all enjoy it and we all know that the others do the same. Nevertheless, not many people are very open to admit they areliving the livechat world. Not many people would admit to their friends that they have an online girlfriend or boyfriend. People are ashamed that they need to pay for having a friend online because they cannot find one in their real life. So the best benefit of being a cam model is that we sit on the better side of the computer. On that side which does not have to pay but gets paid. We only provide the service of friendship and understanding to people who don’t receive it in their real lives. We are the psychologists, therapists, online friends, virtual girlfriends or boyfriends, we are the cool buddies. So basically by working on videochat we make more people happy which I suppose is a thing we can be proud of.