
Daca esti alaturi de noi de mai mult timp, inseamna ca stii deja ca a fi model la Paradiz este o munca ca oricare alta, care implica rutina si responsabilitati, ca in cazul oricarui alt job (bine, adaugam si faptul ca noi ne distram extra, nu avem sefi severi, deadline-uri si avem bani pentru orice moft!). Insa sa fi o prezenta cameleonica si atragatoare pe camera inseamna bineinteles ca trebuie sa iti acorzi timp pentru tine si infatisarea ta. Dar nu am auzit pe nimeni sa se planga de lucrul asta, infrumusetarea fiind principala grija a colegelor noastre si totodata aria in care investesc cu cel mai mare drag. Bine, fie! Poate la egalitate cu pasiunea pentru haine si pantofi! 😀

Deloc intamplator, dedicam acest articol topului serviciilor de infrumusetare pe care colegele mele de la Paradiz le frecventeaza cel mai des si care le ajuta sa arate impecabil cu fiecare ocazie.

Genele fir cu fir- sau cum sa te simti fermecatoare fara strop de machiaj!

Nu cred ca este vreun model care sa nu fi avut macar o singura data gene fir cu fir. Mai departe de aspectul practic al faptului ca si la prima ora a diminetii arati impecabil si ca poti renunta linistita la rimel sau gene false, genele fir cu fir iti confera o privire odihnita si rapitoare, fara trucuri de machiaj. Este atat de simplu sa te trezesti cu gene dese, lungi si sa poti merge la piscina fara grija rimelului scurs!

Interventii minim invazive cu acid hialuronic, pentru un chip neted si sanatos.

Buze perfecte, frunte fara riduri, privire luminoasa fara cearcane, adio riduri de expresie- toate cu ajutorul acidului hialuronic!

Modelele Paradiz au apelat in numar covarsitor la aceste proceduri si, tot de la ele am aflat ca, la fel ca in cazul oricarei proceduri- moderatia este cheia. Pentru rezultate naturale, mai ales cand vine vorba de volumizarea buzelor, cel mai bine este ca interventiile sa fie facute sub indrumarea unui medic cu experienta, si cu multa, multa atentie la exagerari inutile. Buzele de clown si fata lipsita de expresie nu au fost niciodata un etalon de frumusete!

Par lung, des si matasos

De cand au aparut extensiile de par, podoaba capilara poate arata exact ca o podoaba pentru oricare din noi.

Indiferent ca ai parul lung si rar, scurt sau pur si simplu vrei altceva- poti opta linistita pentru extensiile de par tape-on sau cu cheratina. Sunt usor de ingrijit, arata bine si, aplicate profesionist, va fi o provocare pentru oricine sa spuna daca ai fost inzestrata de Mama Natura cu acele cosite lungi si ondulate! Nu esti sigura de rezultat? Poti incerca o varianta de compromis: extensiile cu clips, care se ataseaza de parul tau si, cu ajutorului unui stilist, care le va tunde si modifica dupa forma parului tau, poti arata cu totul altfel in doar cinci minute- exact cat iti ia sa iti aplici singura extensiile.

Remodelare corporala

Nu ca nu frecventam sau nu ne place sala de fitness, dar in fruntea topului metodelor de infrumusetare ramane remodelarea corporala, fie ca vorbim aici de masaj, tratamente corporale (termocuverta, tunel cu lumina inalt pulsatila, LPG) sau sesiuni prelungite de SPA (sauna, criosauna). Nimic nu este prea mult pentru un rasfatat total- relaxare pentru suflet si aspect impecabil pentru trup!

Acestea sunt principalele metode de infrumusetare pe care modelele de la Paradiz pariaza pentru o imagine perfecta- atat pe plaja si in oras, cat si in fata camerelor.

Cum formele atent definite prin remodelare si pielea neteda, de culoare uniforma, merg mana in mana, colegele mele de la Paradiz acorda, in functie de prioritati, de la 3-4 pana la 6 ori pe saptamana procedurilor de ingrijire si infrumusetare. Fetelor, in ritmul asta intreceti vedetele de la Hollywood!

Iti doresti sa ai parte de tot acest rasfat, la fel ca un model de top la Paradiz? Le poti avea! Vino in echipa Paradiz si primesti cadou de bun venit o interventie estetica la alegere sau o aplicare de extensii de par, pentru a te bucura de schimbarea de look pe care o doresti.

Bucura-te de rasfatul pe care il meriti. Paradiz este langa tine si te sustine in orice iti propui!



If you`ve been here long enough you probably know already that, just like any other workplace, being a model at Paradiz is a job as serious as it can be and it involves routine and responsibilities (oh well, the extra fun, the lack of severe bosses or deadlines, are also included). But still, in order to be a great appearance  on the camera you have to make time for yourself and for your look. I have never heard my colleagues complaining about this because beauty is their main hobby and also it is the thing in which they invest the most. I have to say that it is actually on the same page with the passion for clothes and shoes! 😀

Not accidentally, we dedicate this article to the beauty services that our colleagues from Paradiz frequent most often.

Individual lashes extensions- or better said, how to look ravishing with no make-up on!

I don`t think I know a single model who has never had individual lashes extensions. Besides the fact that you can start the day with an impeccable look which does not need a mascara, the individual lashes extensions give you a fresh and ravishing look without tricks or make-up.

Minimally invasive interventions with hyaluronic acid

Perfect lips, wrinkleless forehead, bright look with no dark circles, no expression wrinkles – all of these with the help of the hyaluronic acid.

From the overwhelming number of models who performed these procedures we found out that, just like any other procedure, moderation is the key! For natural results, especially in the case of lip filling, the best way to do it is to have an experienced doctor who pays attention to useless exaggerations. Clown lips and a faces with no expression have never been and never will be in trend!

Long and bouncy hair extensions

Ever since hair extensions have taken over, our hair can truly become a treasure

Whether you have long or short hair, or you  just want to try something else you can choose the  tape-on extensions  or the keratin ones. Aren`t you sure about how you will look? You can try a temporary  version: clip extensions that attach to your hair and, with the help of a stylist who will trim and modify them to match  your hair, you can look fabulous  in just five minutes – that`s how much it takes to apply them yourself.

Body remodeling

It`s not that we don`t like it or we don`t go to the gym, but on top of the beauty services stands the body remodeling, whether it is a massage we are talking about, or body treatments or even long SPA sessions. We are willing to do anything for a total pampering moment- soul relaxation and impeccable aspect for our bodies.

For best results, my colleagues from Paradiz grant 3 to 6 times a week (depending on their schedule) to beauty services. Keep it up, girls, and you will soon be above the Hollywood stars.

These are the main beauty services that the Paradiz models use in order to have a perfect look, both on the beach and in front of the camera!

Do you want to be spoiled just like a Paradiz model? You can be! Join the Pradiz team and you will receive a hiring gift. You can pick between having a small surgery intervention or hair extensions in order to enjoy a change of look that you desire.

Enjoy the spoil you deserve! Paradiz  is by your side and it supports you in any decision you make!